Helping Professionals Manage Stress

Wellness and Self-Care for Professionals

My clients include many professional helpers, supervisors and executives:

  • psychotherapists
  • physical therapists
  • physicians and nurses
  • social workers and teachers
  • business owners
  • managers and administrators
  • attorneys and advocates
  • public servants

Professionals come to me to develop skills that will enable them to better manage the stressors of their professional and personal lives. It can be difficult to attend to your personal life and meet the demands of your chosen profession and sometimes a profession can negatively impact your personal life.

I can help you to reduce and manage your stress, re-energize and both increase your wellness and your effectiveness at work.

To be effective, you may need to put your needs and feelings aside to focus on the needs of your clients, patients, students or employees. This can result in burnout. Additionally, due to the sensitive or confidential nature of your work, you may not be able to get support from friends and family about work situations. And, if your job exposes you to the stress and pain of others, the result can be compassion stress or compassion fatigue.

We all know that it’s important to eat and sleep well, exercise, relax and find a healthy work/life balance. And, we also know that it can be quite difficult to achieve this. Additionally, you can benefit from wellness, stress reduction and self-care tools that are tailored to your unique situation.

  • You may work long hours in relative isolation.
  • You may also witness or listen to stories of trauma and provide a container for vast amounts of grief, anger, pain, anxiety and fear.

And, we can be even more vulnerable when we encounter life stressors:

  • care-giving for a child or parent
  • relationship difficulties
  • grief, chronic pain or illness

Symptoms of Compassion Fatigue

  • lowered concentration
  • decreased self-esteem
  • apathy
  • sadness/depression
  • depletion
  • irritability
  • sleep disturbance
  • isolation
  • decreased intimacy
  • increased interpersonal conflicts
  • increased medical problems
  • feeling unappreciated
  • poor work commitment